I have no idea who in the world was recording this but I couldn't understand a word that was spoken by ANYONE. It was just a tangled mess of voices, AFAIC. But it was so good of him to go there since our "elected" president managed to avoid the whole thing by going to Ukraine.
Hell, I didn't even know there WAS and East Palestine, OH until this mess happened. But it shows who has love for America and is NOT trying to dismantle the USA, doesn't it? Biden is taking the money and running as fast as his unsteady legs will carry him, and Trump is giving stuff to the survivors of this mess and the rest of the townspeople who have to deal with it for a while yet. Tell me which one you think is REALLY presidential material and truly cares about the American people? It sure as hell ain't joe "dumbass" biden.
I can scarcely believe anyone would support this man in any cause at all, unless they're on the take and that pretty much tells you the whole story. The people sticking with biden rather than Trump are just waiting for their buckets full of money to start pouring back in from Ukraine or wherever. biden is not going to be giving up any of HIS personal wealth to "help" anyone, that's for damned sure.
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So what if he likes McDonald's? A lot of people like mickey D's or it wouldn't have the most customers of any fast food joint in the world. Heck those things are even located on every army base in the world! Can you only imagine the money they make and WHY aren't they donating any of it? According to what I've been able to find, they donate nothing to anyone and they pay lousy wages. joe biden can claim his "leadership" is forcing McD's to pay $20/hr but that's a lie. I know people who work at our local McD's and their wages aren't even close to that. They barely get $10/hour and they're only allowed to work a 4-6 hour shift each day, at most. It's a rip-off. I think all of the fast food joints are that way right now. They all feel IMPORTANT, but they're serving "hamburgers made of grains and grass" and there's not a speck of meat in them, not that there ever was meat in the McD's burgers. A few years ago they had a new menu item called a Big and Tasty - it wasn't bad but you could tell it was mostly grain-based. I don't mind the grain - - it's whatever else they're putting in there to bulk it up that bothers me. You simply have to do the research on billyboy gates and find out his connections.
I wonder if Trump would be supporting McD's if he was aware of all of the undermining going on? He may not actually be doing these people such a big favor after all !!!!!
This is true leadership.
I'll bet people wonder what biden's ass is doing across the sea, especially when he or no one from his "cabinet" has bothered to even GO to East Palestine, OH. Trump always made the effort.
And it pisses me off each time I see that video of biden "running up to the stage" and then right beside it, there is a clip of Trump slowly walking down as he is de-boarding his plane. What they don't show you or tell you is that Trump is walking down a ramp, not a set of stairs in that shot. It's much easier to navigate stairs than a possibly slippery ramp. Good grief what the hell is WRONG with people? Do they all really want to be under the thumb of the Chinese that badly??? Then go and continue to support egghead, old-fossil biden for all we care. It will turn out to be a dirty fight, you can bet on it because people of the USA are not going to stand for it, and they're about done standing for the border crisis, too. I'd hang on tight because that will be coming soon, guns ablazing.
If biden actually decides to run his wife for office again, it's almost certain they will NOT STAND A CHANCE against Donald Trump. People LOVE Trump because he's done good things for all of us, on many fronts.
Adam Schiffty is pissing his pants right now because if Trump does get back into office, I hope he takes that little weasel to the woodshed and smacks him around for about an hour. That would fix Adam's wagon!!