What a great article! It's a must-read for those interested in knowing part of why kids today have tough times, not just in school but in their future plans, if they even have a future plan. If some of these kids, however, were directed towards trade schools (where you actually learn a useable trade) it would make a world of difference, I think. Even though the technocreeps are trying to get rid of everything human, we're still going to need plumbers and mechanics and electricians and carpenters, etc. NO ONE is trying to prepare these kids for the real world outside of high school where they might actually make a difference and be useful people. Everyone needs to be needed. Everyone needs to be wanted. Everyone needs to be useful. As we age in life, this becomes even moreso but the opportunities are less and less, so someone should tell these kids to find something that will keep them useful for many, many years.
I do believe I heard President Trump talking about trade schools a while back but evidently nothing more has been said or done. Where the hell is Betsy DeVos??