Doctors are not like they used to be when SAVING lives was more important than their political bio's. Sure glad I live where I do, where my doctor lets me make my own healthcare decisions. I have said no to many of her ideas and she doesn't seem to mind, in fact whenever I turn down a covid shot, she almost cheers for me. She knows that I know how dangerous they can be. Almost lost my youngest son 2 years ago after his shot. I tried to warn him but of course Mother's seem to be ignorant and know nothing. He feels a bit differently now, though. Imagine that. 35 and he thinks he knows everything. Geez, I was that way at age 18!!!
This is a great article so please read it at the link above. Thank you and you'll be glad you did.
Our gubmint isn't making the influx of illega aliens take the shot and there's a reason for that. Do you know the reason? Think about it.