I'm printing out this short but great article because sometimes I think people don't bother to open links, and this is one everyone should see, IMPHHO. I hope the writer doesn't get too angry with me for doing this! I'm also, of course, posting the link to the article at the bottom.
May 18, 2018
A grim spectacle: The left fully revealed
By Patricia McCarthy
Over the eight years of the Obama administration, the Democratic Party moved left, then more left, then hard, radical, Alinskyite left. Terrible damage was done to the country as a result. Obamacare virtually destroyed our once finest health care system. The Iran deal was a cash cow for the mullahs; the West got nothing but the promise that Iran would become a nuclear power. Obama thrived on racial strife, and so he exacerbated it day after day, any way he could. He supported Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa. He likely saw to it that tens of thousands of dollars were illegally funneled to those groups along with the millions sent their way by George Soros. Obama enforced few if any immigration laws because the left needs that perennial immigrant underclass to gain power.
For leftists like Obama, those who have worked hard and achieved personal success or wealth must be brought down. He never cared about elevating those in need, those stuck in poverty, to their maximum potential. Obama applied this theory of bringing the best down to the nation as well. He sought to bring and succeeded in bringing America down several pegs; he was never comfortable with America's primacy on the world stage.
But since the 2016 election, the left has gone stark-raving mad. Leftists have lost all sense of decency. They now support the polar opposite of whatever Trump seeks to do for the good of the republic.
The Democrats in Congress now support Hamas, the terrorist organization that seeks the destruction of Israel. That Trump fulfilled the 1995 congressional promise to move our embassy to Jerusalem has forced them to make common cause with these terrorists. Most of the Democrats opposed the confirmation of Gina Haspel as director of the CIA because she oversaw the waterboarding of terrorists in the aftermath of 9-11. Again, those Democrats appeared in their rude, disrespectful questioning of Haspel to think that technique of interrogation, which does no physical harm, was too much for the planners of that horrific day. And then, for two days now, they are proudly and openly vilifying President Trump for referring to MS-13 gang members as "animals," which is an insult to animals. These migrants from El Salvador are savages who rape and murder in the most unspeakable ways.
The media grasped the "animal" quote and ran with it, most of them with the full knowledge that it was taken out of context. Only the AP retracted the claim that Trump was not talking about all illegal aliens. The rest of them kept up the faux outrage. Pelosi said these gang members all have a "spark of divinity." Tell that to the families of their victims. One has to assume that at this point, if Trump were to comment unfavorably on a pedophile or child rapist, the Democrats would defend the latter. That is how mindlessly diabolical they have become. And as someone else observed, if he cured cancer, the Dems would protest that he was depriving doctors of work.
Was the left happy for the three hostages released from North Korea? No. The usual network and cable outlets barely mentioned them. Could leftists share in Israel's exuberance in the new embassy in Jerusalem? Absolutely not. Many of them could not wait to spew their contempt in front of any camera they could find. They blamed the Hamas violence on Trump when it is, in fact, an everyday thing. Now that Kim Jong-un has blathered about canceling the summit in June, the lefties are positively giddy. They are so uniformly infected by their fury at Trump for winning that they have become dangerously toxic to the country.
As it becomes clearer and clearer that Robert Mueller has not found Trump to be guilty of any crimes by which he can be impeached, leftists have lost the last vestiges of their grip on reality. They operate now by the old maxim, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Since they see Trump as their enemy, their newfound friends are Hamas, Hezb'allah, ISIS, Kim Jong-un, and MS-13.
The Democratic Party has devolved into a manic state of hysteria in which its members no longer know right from wrong or good from evil. The Republicans in Congress had better step up to the partisan plate and fight these traitors to their own country, or we are lost.
I also agree with one of the writers of a different article, that the democrats are coming to a reckoning - - hopefully very soon. Thing is, I am a believer that it will probably not happen as we want it to because it will also involve an open house reckoning for the CIA and the FBI and the DOJ and many other agencies - - not sure they'll allow all that to happen. After all, these are the same agencies who allowed (by evidently not vetting) Obozo the brown clown into office for 8 whole years and we aren't even sure what his REAL name is nor where he was truly born and who knows how many other things we don't know . . . not a real good record for those feckless agency ofishals.