Why do all the doctors (and the current politicians) go on national tv and keep telling us how "safe and effective" these damned covid shots are, when all around us people are continually dropping dead or getting deathly ill from the "side affects" of the shots?? They must think all of our heads are as thick as boards, like their's are?? These shots are not tested, not trialed, not approved in any way for wordlwide distribution, (which is why this current dimwitted, batshit crazy gubmint is not requiring the illegals coming across the border from all countries to have these shots) because heaven forbid one of THEM should keel over. It's insane. Everyday we hear of some sports figure or some already lunatic person going off the deep end somehow, but no one is connecting the shots to the radical behavior? That's also insane. We need to get our poop in a group and get this figured out and not just keep letting biden tell us to just go get the damned shots. He's crazier than any of them, but you can bet the shots he is taking on live tv have nothing at all to do with a covid shot, not on your life or his. He would never gamble with his own life that way.
Personally I'm sick of hearing about those shots and I wouldn't take one at gunpoint, so they need to just drop that ball and let it go. The CDC has gone completely bonkers over this mess, too. No longer trustworthy on any front and people are ANGRY.