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December 22, 2022 8:43 pm  #1

What is it, exactly, that makes him a republican?

He's not a republican, he's a RINO, always has been.  It's one thing to SEE things from both sides, it's quite another to SUPPORT the opposing side from which you govern.  He needs to go home and lay down, just like Nazi Nannzi needs to take her ice cream and go sit by her pool or whatever it is she does on her "off" time besides tear America to shreds.  I'm sure glad we only have a week or so of her to go before she's HISTORY.  That'll be a great day for America.

Is McCONnell going to give up some of his gubmint salary for this bill or does ALL of it come out of the Social Security and Medicare of the taxpayers?  Yeah, right, McCONnell is going to share his dough, like fun.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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