Is there ANYTHING in this current dumbass administration that IS important to them?
Not really.
Except getting back at Trump however they think they can. They think they're doing that right now, but in the end we will find out, as usual, that Trump was right. I can't WAIT for that moment to arrive. The current administration is like a bunch of spoiled rotten children who can't stand NOT to get their own way.
They have a LOOOOOONG laundry list of things they've f"cked up since 2020 and they just keep adding to the list.
I'm sorry but the elections in GA were rigged as rigged can be. Warnock did NOT actually win that election, we all know that, but with the help of the crooked current "administration", Warnock won. It's amazing!!!
biden is known as the "amazing Kreskin" now. There is NOTHING he won't do to help his family, and NOTHING he WILL do to help the American people. The man is a crook who had a very good teacher in obozo who actually is now thinking he's "distancing" himself from biden>???? HA! Yeah, right. He was biden's TEACHER for God's sake. THe worst part is that we still have 2 full years of this nonsense to get through.
The laundry list is long, so maybe do a search yourself to find it since anything I post here will only be a repeat of what I've already posted a half dozen times.
And now you can add to that list the fact that private business owners are having to hire their OWN PRIVATE SECURITY to protect themselves and their inventory. These aren't those toothless "security guards", these are ARMED OFF-DUTY POLICE OFFICERS LOOKING TO HELP THEIR CITY AND LOOKING TO EARN SOME EXTRA MONEY. Thank God for people like this beause we're going to need more and more of them.
And REMEMBER - - Martha's Vineyard doesn't want immigrants at their front door, no matter how "righteous and law abiding they might be". It took that place all of 48 hours to get rid of a busload of 20 (TWENTY, mind you) illegals. That is the biggest hypocrisy of all. It would be my guess they wouldn't allow obozo either (because he's black) except that he now has money. WHERE DID HE, and HIS COHORTS IN POLITICS, GET ALL OF THAT MONEY??? Someone needs to check into that and quickly.
I hafta stop because the hits just keep coming and I could write about this all day long!