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November 4, 2022 7:23 pm  #1

Maybe voters don't want "democracy" in AZ !

The USA is not a democracy it's a republic but I think Obozo is too stupid to know that.  I don't blame Synema for not showing up at his "rally" to listen to a bunch of outdated, ineffectual lies about biden and his cronies.  People are sick of this crap even if it comes from their "master speechgiver" obozo the clown.  These democrats actually believe the public can't really tell what's happening in the country.  Are they all crazy?  Yes, they are.  They can only see life in the prism of their own viewpoint and heaven help anyone who doesn't agree with them. 

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm tired of hearing the dems YELL at us all the time.  Hey, if they want to be socialists, they can move to a socialist country, right?  The rest of us have no intention of becoming little "red" soldiers.

He can talk til he's blue in the face but that is NOT changing people's minds.  I know many people in my area who voted way too early and now regret that they did.  I'm voting on the actual election day, and I'm going to hang around the polls afterwards just to observe.  That's my right as a citizen.  In a biden/obama world, that would not be allowed.  THIS is why we need to install many new faces *republican, and I'm so glad the voting day is getting closer.  Personally I'll be glad when the whole shebang is over.  I wonder what the news stations will have to talk about when the mid-term elections are over??  How many of these people do not understand that polling is a scam?  Apparently a lot of them.  Even on FOX they're falling for all that "polling crap".


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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