These women should be ashamed of themselves but they're too stupid to be ashamed. It's too bad someone from the Royal Family doesn't punch their lights out, but none of those women are worth the time and effort. They're only sayig these things because they want to be on the good side of Prince Harry and his repugnant wife. What a shame they took their hostilities out on the Grand old Dame. These ladies from the view have no shame whatsoever for their complete stupidity. WHY ARE THEY STILL ON TV???
Queen Elizabeth was NOT responsible for mistreatment of black and browns or whatever these dumb women think she did. That was done centuries before her. It's like blaming DJT for anthing that might have gone wrong during the Presidency of JFK. It's just ludicrous.
This is just TOTALLY DISGUSTING. What are we letting happen to our youngsters these days? Does NO ONE LOVE CHILDREN ANYMORE? They're too busy having unprotected sex to care about what's really going on with the results of that unprotected sex. What a bunch of creeps.
The only thing inflated in this country is bidens ego. He's a crackpot and everyone knows it. No one is going to convinve me that he LEGALLY won the election. Not possible without cheating.