My Polka Dot Apron

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September 10, 2022 1:06 am  #1

This is how the rich got richer, and took over YOUR world

"Thanks to John D. Rockefeller, the wealthy industrialist credited with creating our current medical system, focusing on preventing health issues has never been a priority. After all, the system can't profit off healthy people. See how its unethical profiteering may be undermining your health."

This is still going on today.  Undermining people's health is what they do.  Sadly, that's the way it is, obvious in our current president who can barely walk, shakes hands with no one, coughs constantly (even before he claimed to have covid).  COVID IS THE BIG LIE RIGHT NOW.

And they're going to be able to make MUCH HEADWAY RIGHT NOW, since the passing of Queen Elizabeth in the UK.  Our own country will take advantage of this distraction to push through a whole bunch of new "bills" they don't want you to know anything about.  THIS IS HOW IT WORKS.  Distration of the people is always a bad thing.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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