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August 27, 2022 11:57 pm  #1

City Life: It only took one year

It only took 1 year for her complete stupidity to show up biggly.

She is disgusting to look at and even more disgusting to listen to.  I think it's a "she", right?  Or is Lori now a "male" name?

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

August 28, 2022 12:06 am  #2

Re: City Life: It only took one year

Here's part of the result of her wicked, forced stupidity.  She's in Chicago, not Philly, but one large city is pretty much the same as the next.  Dimwits lines up like dominoes.  All we have to do is take them down.  Trump supporters are doing a good job of that!!

We'll get this gun thing and a bunch of other stuff straightened out come November 2022 (2024 will be even better). When we get a few people from the repub party weeded out (like McCarthy & McCONnell, for instance).  When both Trump and DeSantis are making more of the rules for the general public, this kind of outrageously stupid stuff will come to an end.  I hope America and American's can hang on that long.  It's only 2 months away now!  If you're a republican, git yer ass out there and vote IN PERSON.  Stand around the polling place and watch the activity, that makes the "workers" nervous *yay* and they are less likely to tear up ballots or throw them into the "wrong bins".  I plan to stick around with my coffee thermos for about 4 hours after I vote.  Polls here where I live close at 8 p.m., so I'll stay from about 4 til 8. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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