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June 4, 2022 2:23 am  #1

If biden can't stand the heat . . .

. . . he should have stayed the hell out of the Trump kitchen.  Trump was doing just fine, we were ALL doing just fine, until ol' swampy joe cheated his way into office.  I don't understand how in the world he thinks he can arrest people for being from the opposition party.  That's why we have a 2 party system, isn't it? 

Biden is actually  bragging about his successful presidency and all of the good things he's done for everyone.  The man is living in time-warp.


For someone who thinks he's doing so well, maybe he can explain to the rest of us why his own party is desserting him?  They are leaving the WH in droves, and so are black people, according to what I have been reading lately.  His poll numbers are the lowest of any president in history and yet he stands there and lies to all of our faces about what a great job he's doing and how much he thinks people love him.  Hey, Brandon??  Uh, no.

What a moronic buffoon.  He and Obozo are the only people who believe these lies, and obozo tells him what to say.  Obozo is our "shadow leader".   8 years of him taking a wrecking ball to our country was enough, but here he is again like a bad dream.  The pig with lipstick just won't go away. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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