My Polka Dot Apron

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May 29, 2022 2:03 am  #1

Good points, no solutions

Lots of good points in this article, but still no solutions other than to wait for 2024 to arrive.  2022 will help (maybe) get the ball rolling, but I'm on the fence about even saying that too loud because I don't wanna jinx anything.  Don't believe in a jinx?  Ha.  I do.  Just read the article and you'll see why I believe. 

The other thing I wanna know is how did obozo get to be an Illinois senator in the first place?  No one had ever heard of him so how did he win THAT election?  I think maybe corruption from the MOST corrupt people in chicago, who he seems to know well.  Is he really bathhouse Barry?  Who the hell knows and who the hell cares, at this point?  I am not interested in his or anyone elses private lives.  Let them dress like cats or bark at the moon - who cares?  I don't think having someone give me an answer to how obozo got into politics would really help anything at this point, but I'm curious, as usual.  Seems odd for such an almost totally unknown person to rise like that, doncha think?


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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