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May 23, 2022 9:20 pm  #1

Another RINO turncoat

Get. Rid. Of. Her. PRONTO.

She doesn't belong in the position she holds, let her be the new white house spokesperson.  I'll bet she knows more about the democraps than she does (or cares) about the republicans (what's left of them). 

It's gonna be an uphill battle this fall but republicans must win as many elections as possible, BUT - - they must be fully vetted (IMO) first, to make sure they're real and actual republicans.  No RINO's allowed in this clubhouse, and that includes dumbass McCONnell the con man and Ronna McDaniel.  If she won't watch and acknowledge the truth about 2000 Mules, she's no help to us at all.  GET RID OF HER.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

May 23, 2022 10:00 pm  #2

Re: Another RINO turncoat

Actually, she's kinda sorta the leader of a whole raft of turncoats.  Cotton, for instance, is always on tv yakking about how we shouldn't be doing this or that or the next thing, then he votes FOR this ungodly sum of money for Ukraine, but doesn't want to help America.

I don't trust any of them except Rand Paul.  That's just a fact.

When these guys vote NO to America, that makes them criminals in my book, because they are misrepresenting themselves to the entire country.  I think that's a crime.  If it's not, it should be.  In the old days they hung people for lesser crimes than this. . . .

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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