This whole masking thing might turn out to be a Godsend in disguise. Mostly because it woke up most American's who have, for years, been doddering along following the rules doing what we're TOLD to do by our doctors, when in fact, those doctors don't know diddly. You gotta admit, they're wrong a LOT of the time. I know several people who, right this minute, would still be alive had they not listened to their doctors (and this isn't about covid, this is about other illnesses, keep that in mind).
This is a good article if you really want to know how we've all been played. Like a fine fiddle, but now the fiddle has 5 broken strings.
And yes, I still think Trump was somewhat used in all of this nonsense, because he keeps pounding and harping on the shots - get the shots take the shots - just quit it already.
And THIS is just excellent information. Especially if you need to defend yourself against the mask cultists who are still everywhere, to some degree.
Faith is not what you believe, but what you DO with what you believe. Right? So let them promote fear if that's what they believe, but not everyone is going to agree with them. They refuse to accept liberty.