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April 20, 2022 1:46 am  #1

NO ONE should be surprised by covid test/shot results

People should be in handcuffs, rather than giving poisonous shots and recording their results, but not saying anything until a year and a half later.  That's what is classified as a crime.

Not to mention, there is no excuse for any of this, because the election is over and biden and his cohorts don't need a distraction anymore. . . . . . or DO they?  Gee, I wonder what they could want us to be distracted from!!!

Quote from article at above link:

"At the risk of causing one more set of data to disappear from the internet, I draw attention to the Walgreens COVID-19 Index, which posts the weekly number of tests administered, percentage of positives broken down by vaccination status, and age brackets of each permutation. You know, the sort of useful information countries like the U.K. published but that our own CDC artfully avoided showing the American people."


"Also of note is that the unvaccinated had, by far, the lowest positivity rate of all of the cohorts."

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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