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I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm already sick to death of hearing about this whole russia/ukraine crap.
Personally I think there's a much bigger agenda which will never be known to the 99%, only to the 1% elitist bastards who are fomenting this "fake war". And even if the war isn't "faked" it will certainly be "enhanced greatly" by the press.
Therefore, almost all articles coming to my email inbox having ANYTHING to do with this conflict, I immediately delete.
There will be so much of it and that is the whole point. Most of what we get is going to be nothing but pure bullshit. Right now, the whole world is being told total lies, on a grand scale. We all know Russia could easily have taken the Ukraine by now - - so why haven't they? Again, it's part of the "show". Don't believe anything you hear and only about 1/4 of what you see.
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