We have GOT to quit talking about covid and corona crap CONSTANTLY.
All that happens when people/writers/online groups do that (there are several who are particularly, horribly bad about focusing on this crap) is it feeds the narrative of the dimwit dems, and it keeps the fear alive, and it keeps all their nonsensical "masking, distancing, yada yada" ideas alive, and it feeds the bulldog.
Stuff like this, in particular is so totally NOT NECESSARY.
WTF?? They are worried people might TALK about it??!!!! OMG!! They WANT people to talk about this and nothing else, are ya'll really that stupid???? Please, tell me you're not. The other thing is: people RARELY misinterpret the truth, no matter what the CDC liars are spinning. To tell you the truth, if the repubs take the house and senate and presidency in 2024 I hope they do away with criminal organizations like the CDC, the FDA, et al. They are nothing if not out and out LIARS. Their purpose on this planet is to scare the living hell out of people - - and "showing their confusion" is what really scares people who are ignorant of the facts, and stoopid on top of it all. Saints preserve us.
People should, right now, be more worried about filling up their cars with gas they can still afford (for a while yet), stocking up on what's left of groceries and filling their freezers, helping their elderly relatives and friends to make sure they have sufficient heat and food or whatever. Also, if you can afford it, buy gold and buy it now. Or buy silver or even junk silver. Great investments.
We should all be talking about what to do HERE in America, not worrying about what dumbass biden and his cronies are going to do over in Ukraine to protect THEIR OWN MONEY AND INTERESTS.
If you don't, we are as stupid as they thought we were, instead of THEM being as stupid as WE thought they were. It's a fine line. AND - - - I would NOT depend on surviving on social security for very much longer, either. Dumbass biden is giving all of our money to the illegals from all over the world. Ain't that just dandy? And people wonder why I call him a conniving jackass. He's actually much worse than that, but I cannot say what I REALLY think of him and his "administration lackeys" on a public forum. I would be ashamed to have people know I use that kind of language!!!