" . . . the massive global vaccination campaign – which quickly reached a frenzied pitch – was launched less than 8 months from the start of the clinical trials.To begin administering a vaccine to the general population within such a short trial period was wholly unprecedented in the annals of modern medicine.To establish that a vaccine is safe, extensive long-term testing must be carried out. This process involves multi-phase clinical trials and observational studies which include large numbers of subjects over time periods measured in years. This thorough and involved process takes at least five years to complete and usually much longer. According to Johns Hopkins University:“A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.”Only upon satisfactory completion of this involved regimen can a vaccine be considered reasonably safe for mass administration to the general public. Yet even the completion of this long process does not guarantee that a vaccine is completely safe."
Quote taken from the link below:
Still, the goons on tv are bragging about their vax status and how they think everyone should get these killer shots, even though there are myriad statistics bearing out the facts in the other direction.
Well, let those idiots get the shots if they want to tow the criminal's line of bull, but not me, man. I know better than to do that to my already overburdened (auto-immune compromised) body. Besides, I've had the flu already this winter (early Jan.).