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February 16, 2022 11:48 pm  #1

Are we no longer allowed to tell the truth?

Looks like.

Heaven forbid people should know what's REALLY happening in the USA as we crumble and disintegrate and in short order starving to death is on the menu, as well.  We the people will have no money, no gas, no cars, no FREEDOM AT ALL. This administation, run by obozo & pals (you hafta know that's true, right?) just won't say it out loud.  The dimwit dems have been planning this since 2000.  GWB was part of the master plan, as well.  Notice these people are all RICH beyond belief simply from being in OUR gubmint for their entire lifetimes in some cases.  I consider that to be stolen money.

The rich continue to get richer, the poor become poorer every day.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

February 16, 2022 11:55 pm  #2

Re: Are we no longer allowed to tell the truth?

We will be allowed only bicycles, like the serf class in china.  Where do you think bush, obozo and biden GOT this idea?  Back during obozo's administration is when all the bike paths and walking paths were "installed" on our city streets, and driving lanes were cut down to half of what they were because of a turn lane stuck in the middle.  Half or more of those turn lanes are useless because there's no where to go with them.  If you "turn" in the direction of the arrow in most places, you'll run into a ditch or the side of a hill or something.  It's just lunacy and we all knew it at the time obozo was doing it and yet not one city official said a damned word against this policy.  Even those people had to know there was more to come with this action.

And now it's almost here.  No one can afford "electric cars" even if they did want them, which most do not.  What an insane idea.  Pay big bucks for electricity to run a car when under the ground there's fuel to last for 300 years or more. 

This is the definition of insanity gone amok.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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