My Polka Dot Apron

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February 11, 2022 10:05 pm  #1

Shut up, Kristi Noem

WHat the hell is she thinking? 

We, the people of SD, do NOT want people from LA or anywhere else in the country coming to our peaceful little state.  Things already cost way too much, but if she stuffs more and more people into our RANCHING AND AGRICULTURAL STATE, we are not going to have much land left and what there is left will be even higher priced, and we will be left with a bunch of nutjobs with weird ideas.  Nobody in SD wants to deal with this problem.

Kristi is all about the money, just like all other politicians.  I was never a fan of hers, for the most part, and now I'm just plain pissed off.  She wants to, LITERALLY (the correct usage) give our state away.

THose people from CA and other southern states could not tolerate a winter here, in most years.  For instance, today everything for 100 miles in any direction of my town, is COVERED in a thick sheet of ice and all the weather people are advising no travel, especially on the interstates.  It's probably not bad in town *not yet* but it's gonna get there because this warning for snow, sleet, and icy rain is in effect until 5 this afternoon, and the problems DON'T end once the moisture stops falling from the sky, for heaven's sake.  It's still sheer ice on the streets and anything else that's outdoors.  People have been known to work so hard to clear ice from their windshields that they break them.

This is NOT the state for the snowbirds or the pampered California wackos.

Noem has lost what was left of her scruples, and now her mind is going with it.


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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