AND THE LIES. They are trying to get you to forget all the stuff that's happened concerning this lie, up to now.
There were/are many lies and they'll be around for decades, to be sure. Some people will start to believe the truth but some will never acknowledge they were wrong. That's life I guess.
A great article here to make my point.
A good quote from the article at that link:
"The Democrats have been pivoting so forcefully on various COVID-related things this past week that I’m surprised they aren’t all dizzy and nauseated, the poor dears. Ivermectin, natural immunity, the efficacy of cloth masks, you name it, they’ve been Team 180. And being the party of the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, they’ve been trying to erase the memory of their previous, horribly wrong policies.
Of course, their dutiful flying monkeys in the mainstream media have been working overtime to help.
Stacey wrote a great deep-dive about this yesterday:
The memo has gone out: It is time for every cultural institution, politician, and corporate media outlet to pivot on COVID-19. They must reverse their Covidstan policies, advocate a return to normal, and make excuses for the missteps of the health bureaucracy. The speed and shamelessness with which the narrative shift happened are breathtaking, and it can only mean one thing. The internal polling for Democrats in the midterms is beyond dismal, and areas assumed to be safely in the “D” column are at risk. We mustn’t let them get away with the rewrite of history they are attempting."
This pivor, in my opinion, is being done to save fauxchee's lying ass from Rand Paul.
I hope Rand goes after him anyway - - he is a danger to society and I think another doctor *like Rand* would be a good one to put him on his back on the wrestling mat.
Besides guys, wouldn't it be glorious to see something FINALLY happen to the little dickhead responsible for all the lies we've been told in the past 2 1/2 years? Someone besides me better pick the punishment for the little weasel because what I have in mind would definitely put me behind bars - - even in our crazy society today.
WOW. Just WOW. What a bunch of catty bitches. One lady was trying to make a point about how many people lost their lives because Andrew Cuomo stuck sick young people into nursing homes (what the hell was he THINKING?) but the other women talk over her. That girl with the long curly hair (dressed in pink) is the worst. She thinks, like Joy Behar, that whatever she has to say is SOOOOOOOOOOOoo important she must continually interrupt everyone else. It's disgustint and now I know EXACTLY why I don't watch this show. I think my BP went up considerably just during those 7 minutes.
Joy Behar still ACTUALLY believes that people were injecting bleach into their veins at the behest of President Trump?? What an ass. But she says nothing about Biden's lastest nonsensical brain fart about pot, says nothing about all the glaring mistakes from this administration, one of those idiotic women actually praised Obama for something - - - I mean it's just unfathomable that people can be this ridiculously stupid and be on a tv show.
Another reason in full view why I don't watch TV news/chat shows. A PERFECT EXAMPLE. 5 catty, snarky women all talking at once. Can someone please explain to me what the hell is "newsy" or "entertaining" about that??? OMG. It's incredible what people will subject themselves to today, in the name of intelligence. Simply astounding.
Run them under the bus and take this stupid show off the air. I wonder what their viewership numbers are? Think we'd EVER get the truth about a question like that? Ha. Yeah, right. But those democrap channels have to fill their air time with something, right? So they fill that time with a bunch of airhead women.......Christ on a crutch.