My Polka Dot Apron

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February 9, 2022 7:35 am  #1

Is that a cow or a heifer?

Most people don't know a damned thing about cattle.  Most people also LOVE beef, but they *(like AOC) think it comes "from the store".  Makes me howl with laughter when I hear that idiot woman say things like this, that are just so ignorantly stupid.

Having grown up on a beef cattle/breeder bull ranch, I thought others might just be interested to know where their food actually comes from and we need to think about why this current dimwit administration wants us all to become vegetarians because they ACTUALLY have taken a bite of the billyboygates apple where he leads people to believe that cow farts are "dangerous to the environment".  I wish I could smack that guy in the face for being so stupid.  How long have cattle been on this earth?  And don't OTHER ANIMALS fart but with no consequences?  The man is a doorknob, no question about it.

But read this and you might actually learn something.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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