My Polka Dot Apron

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February 3, 2022 4:08 am  #1

Yup, what's wrong with this picture? Good grief. . .

I agree with this writer - - WHAT'S wrong with this picture?  See if you can find the answer before you read the answer in the article.

Obviously, ol' joe doesn't have a clue, either, or he'd make some sort of effort to stop this from happening.  I wouldn't wear one of those damned things for anything, but if people want to keep believing the false narrative, let them.  It's crazy but most people are lemmings.

This is biden's idea of how to SPREAD covid, not stop covid.  That should be obvious to anyone with a functional brain cell or two.

And exactly HOW MUCH DID THIS COST AMERICAN TAXPAYERS??  We'll never know because the way money is sloshed around in WADC even THEY don't know, they just throw money at something and expect it to go away.  Sheesh.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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