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Apparently, like many other issues, that has been flushed down biden's toilet. But, luckily, we have guys like Sen. Ron Johnson (a republican running for re-election in 2022, thank God) who are willing to take a close look at things and who is willing to hear from others who have information about the vax's. These people are not lying to the American public, Fauxchee and his hand-puppets are all outright liars and it's now, in many ways, proveable.
BUT the less-than-3-minute vid at the bottom of the article is absolutely priceless, and well worth watching. Finally, some hope on the horizon. We need more guys like this attorney (Thomas Renz). Wonderful info. This "committee" has a lot of dimwit dems to dodge, however, so it will be an uphill fight all the way. I hope they put on their stamina gear. I'll be following this closely. The wheels of gubmint tend to grind slowly, however, and that is sad. Especially when the military is involved. I wouldn't blame any of those military people if they just threw up their hands and walked away from the service of this country over this stupid, convoluted issue.
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