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January 15, 2022 9:23 pm  #1

I don't see why anybody goes there

Youtube, fakebook, whatever else is out there being controlled by the leftist mouthpieces. 

Listen here .......

If enough people either voluntarily leave these platforms of misinformation & disinformation (like youtube & fakebook & instagram, etc) or are booted by the company itself for what they DEEM to be misinformation because it doesn't align with the dimwit dems "way of thinking", pretty soon these companies will not exist - - and THAT'S what needs to happen.  If those places want to be used as "chatrooms" for only dimwit dems, LET THEM.  Who gives a damn?

Ol' joe is ruining this country at the speed of sound.  Someone needs to take him out of office and there has to be a way.  He's lied every step of the way through his first year and it's provable, unlike what they were trying to do to Donald Trump, who was never found guilty of anything those idiot dems tried to pin on him.  And yet, stooges like Adam Schiffty and Chuckie Schoooomer and Nazi Nannncy are still in office, too.  Get rid of all of those pieces of crap and we might be able to salvage what's left of America.

Getting off of those USELESS social sites is the first step to stopping the madness.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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