Gotta read this. I think there's supposed to be a video attached but it didn't/wouldn't show up on my newsletter.
I think my computer "updated" itself to windows 11 and I'm furious. I cannot use my email at all. It erased a bunch of stuff and now I find it totally unusable. I can still access some of my saved recipes and a few saved things from other sections, but that's it.
I have absolutely no idea how to restore back to windows 10. I have looked online until I'm blue in the face but this stupid new computer my son bought me a couple of months ago will not do any of the things suggested to do.
It also has no DVD-CD player like most older computers. My son says none of the newer computers have that feature anymore. What in the HELL is going on these days? We pay more money for the GD computers but get less features and constant unwanted "updates". I'm about sick of "techno=crap".
I come from the era of "wall phones" not finger sliding cell phones, so all of this nonsense is foreign to me. Oh how I wish we could go into rewind.