"The losers don't get to win." - - Alex Berenson
I just bought Alex's new book *well, it's on order but it came out to the public today, 11-30-21,* called Pandemia. He is such an astute person I just cannot WAIT to get and read the book. Everywhere I went online to order it kept telling me they weren't in stock because they were all sold out. So I'll order it whenever I can and be happy with that.
Ditto for Miranda DeVine's new book (It has a very long title and I can't remember what it is), but the book is about the criminality in the biden household for decades. Oh wow, I simply cannot wait to read THAT one either. So much to read, so little time with Christmas coming! But I'll get it done eventually.
I hope you order those 2 books, as well. Reading a REAL BOOK is much better for you than surfing the net or messing around sliding your finger on a phone screen. Sheesh, what stupidity American's have bought into with those stupidass phones. Sheer nonsense. But that's where America is going, sadly. Stop it by reading a real, paper-pages, hard cover book. Just do it.
Hey, if Psaki doesn't even know what "soft on crime" means, she needs to be replaced and PRONTO. So much misinformation on the left, it's no wonder people are highly confused about almost everything these days.
She knows better than this but she had to play it up for the camera. Lil' peppermint patty's remark didn't come off too well, however. She should go home and be with her cats - they have the same high-minded attitude as Psaki. Thinks her shit doesn't stink but her farts give her away.
She and "Whoopie dumbass" are two peas in a insanity pod.
I saw this as a quote somewhere and copied it, but I didn't get the name of who said it. Ah well, it's still truthful.
"BLM burned our cities and destroyed $2B of property. They faced no consequences. Their lawlessness was/is celebrated and excused.
So yes, I'm absolutely fine with some truckers & farmers clogging roads and bridges for freedom."🇨🇦🇺🇸
When do we reach herd intelligence?
(Not sure that's actually ever going to happen. I don't think it CAN happen, because corruption runs so deep in WADC that 'pubs and democraps will not prosecute any politicians for fear they might reveal THEIR OWN crimes!).
Sadly, that's true. And none of them want to hop off the money train.
You know what?
Our immune systems don't give a damn what the FDA thinks - - about ANYTHING.
Heh, imagine that. The FDA tends to forget that every single living human being is different in ALL WAYS. They simply cannot develop medicines and shots which will work for (or be kind to) every human body, not possible.
Keep that in mind when biden puts into place, SOON, his "vaxxines for all" mandate. And he plans to take this far beyond what is "normal" for human beings. They are not stopping with 5 shots - - these will be FOREVER SHOTS.
It's disgusting and there's absolutely no logic involved at all, just money and freedom to rule for the elites.
Science advances one funeral at a time.
I don't have a clue who originally said that, but it sure is true of the ridiculous corona/covid "non-epidemic". The general public had NO leadership during that whole debacle because it was all made up as they went along. Didja notice how quickly - just POOF - no one needed masks anymore, no one needed to social distance anymore *which was stupid to begin with*, and no one EVER needed the killer vaxxzines. It's just amazing what dumb people will believe if it's repeated often enough by the "experts" who couldn't find their ass with both hands and a flashlight if their very own lives depended on it . . .
The devils in this world shout loud and long, but the angels always outshout them.
*I do not remember where this came from, but rest assured SOMEONE said it because I copied it down in my little notebook!
I don't know who said this and I don't care, it's not important.
What IS important are the words themselves. Judge for yourself.
"In war or conflicts, sometimes rumors are more powerful than rifles".
Yep, sure are. Our current numbskull in chief doesn't know "words"; he's been around politics for 50+ years and he still doesn't get it, and now his age has made things worse.
I truly don't know when I've felt soooo vulnerable, as an American citizen. Being a citizen doesn't seem to "MEAN" anything anymore. Why is that?
Without freedom of speech, we would not know who the idiots are.
All they wanted was their freedoms, too, and look what happened to the American Indian tribes.
Think about that.
We practice a lot of religion but very little Christianity.
Ok, so what if we all have cars that plug in like vacuum cleaners?
Electricity is a very dirty source of energy. Natural gas is much better, but of course, it's now on the DO NOT list.
Ha! Good one here . . . TRAITOR JOE!!!
History is called "HISTORY" for a reason. Each era has its own history. That's why I find it such an interesting subject. I don't go back too far, but even as far back as the 1600's brings a lot of history to the United States.
Native Americans (we called them indians and still do in the area where I live) were the first people who actually LIVED here in the USA but that was, of course, before it was called the USA.
But each century brings its own good things and bad things with it, which is why the subject of HISTORY is so interesting and enlightening. Not just the people, but the animals and the fish and the wild flowers and berries and fruits - - those all changed from their original forms, throughout the centuries. It's going to happen during our lifetime, too, but it is going to be FORCED upon us, rather than happening naturally, or "according to nature".
Right now in history, our gubmint is making some mistakes which will ultimately decimate and ruin our whole world. We aren't just talking about a herd of buffalo here. We're talking about mankind itself. And maybe it's time for a change. We certainly could stand to be without our current system of gubmint, so maybe if we all become extinct, the next population (and there will be one) will do it right, use bartering and trading as main ways of life, not paper money or digital money. Digital money - - I mean, really, how stupid does that sound? I thought the same thing about credit cards when they first came onto the scene. I thought to myself "what a crazy idea - a mainly plastic world" and that's what we truly have in many ways now, a plastic world. Fake people, fake everything - PLASTIC.
This is a pun, not a quote. IOW, it's my own assessment !
Keeping up with the nonsense taking place in the White House (biden) is like watching the scariest movie ever made, except that it never has an ending.
It takes good men not to abuse their authority.
Just how many bullets can you put into a six-shooter anyway?!!
Apparently more than six, according to the old western movies!
Joe Biden gets more people to register and vote republican than the RNC!
If you trade liberty for security, you don't deserve to have either one.
"We know they are lying.
They know they are lying.
They know that we know they are lying.
We know that they know that we know they are lying.
And still they continue to lie."
Somehow, this is not comforting, no matter how many people KNOW it and do nothing to stop it. The republicans have failed the US population just as much as the dimwit dems have failed us. The whole thing is one sad scenario.
Why don't you go fishing? It will restore your sense of human values.
"The devil (biden) is easy to identify. He appears when you're terribly tired (everyone is worn out from all the big lies about COVID and the current new covid mania and mask mania) and makes what sounds like a very reasonable request (?) which you know you shouldn't grant (acquiescing to this dumbness)." Fiorello LaGuardia, mayor of New York City (1882 - 1947)
I don't remember where I heard this or who said it but I thought it was worth remembering, especially now, in our current "biden climate in the USA". IOW, desperation! biden is not in charge of the decision making process, we all KNOW that (he couldn't possibly be), so he's just a figurehead who repeats whatever he's instructed to say. Not an inspiring situation for the USA. His speech writers have gotten us into all kinds of trouble - Afghanistan's release and scram, wide open borders with illegals who now don't even want to support him (did I already say YAY!!), gas and oil prices we shouldn't have to be paying when we are literally sitting on enough gas and oil to last for 600 years (proven), food shortages (planned), farmers selling off their land to foreign interests and billyboy gates who wouldn't know a tractor from a seed drill. What are we doing here? And really - - CLIMATE CHANGE???? The climate is constantly changing how dumb would you have to be to know that? Electric cars? How are those gonna work when they need to be charged every 8 to 10 hours and it takes longer than that (in my state) to get from point A to point B??? They are simply not perfected enough to use in areas of the country like mine. PERIOD. I hope someone gets smart enough to figure that out and soon. Waste of money. Besides if we are already having brownouts and blackouts, what good is an electric car going to do you if you can't charge it anyway?
So many questions no one wants to answer in this stupid administration because they don't KNOW the answers.
"Did Lucifer have a limp after his fall from grace?"
Remind you of anyone in particular??!!! I can think of lots of people.
Found this gem online today but I can't remember where. Sorry I can't give credit where credit is due!
"Don't forget - - the same party who told you the Affordable Care Act was affordable, is now telling you the Inflation Reduction Act is reductionary."
Lots of wisdom in the following words:
"Elections have consequences. STOLEN elections have DIRE consequences."
“There are some mistakes that are so obvious, only really educated people are tempted to make them”
Mark Twain
The ruling elite has decided to replace what works with “What Sounds Good.”
And, a half a billion people are going to starve to death.
This sounds pretty typical of what we have going on in the USA right now, doesn't it? I wonder what they think "sounds good" about electric cars and faked green energy??
One doesn't come to be a m/billionaire by being generous.
Rich people are never generous. They are usually piggish and hoggish- - especially with their money. Their time is a different story - they're out there supporting all the WRONG things, as usual. Trump is the only person I know of who DOESN'T fit this narrative!!
For sure!!
"If your college degree doesn’t have enough value for you to pay it off, it certainly doesn’t have enough value for me to pay it off."
The "covid promoting doctors" are not scientists, they're treasure hunters."
That is specifically true of Fauxchee the midget moron.
Mike Rowe said this way back in 2018!
“We’re lending money we don’t have to kids who can’t pay it back to educate them for jobs that don’t exist anymore, and that’s crazy.”
The story surrounding this is very interesting, a must read at the link below.
It's kind of long and a bit repetitive, but is an interesting biopic on the story of Mike's life and how he ended up where he is. A biopic isn't always about a "film" or a "movie".