It's not too early for them to say. They know damned well it's going to involve more lockdowns, and more useless Fauxchee inspired "rules and regulations". This is what these creeps LIVE to do. Make the rest of us miserable because THEY CAN. Make up new diseases at appropriate times, make them sound "deadly" and make them sound more horrible than their last dreamed-up illness.
It's rather inspiring to watch how their little brains work overtime to create false "rules" for everyone but politicians and "friends of the democrap party". Look around, that's who you see pushing this nonsense. There are mice with a better functioning brain than creepy little fauxchee. I wouldn't believe him if he told me the sky was blue and the lawns were green in summer. I just don't believe a thing he says and that makes me a helluva lot safer in the long run.