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The covid vaccines are CAUSING more covid and other even worse reactions in people who really shouldn't be taking an untested, untrialed, unproven, dangerous, experimental vaxxzine. When are the dems going to admit they NEED this vaccine as a way to take people's eyes off the ball of the REAL ISSUES taking place? If people were actually paying attention, they'd know there's a helluva lot of stuff going on in this administration which is almost totally unknown and unseen because NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION. It was a distraction, pure and simple. Sadly, however, it worked by scaring the hell out of people who are wimps and didn't even bother to look into the real facts of the whole thing from both sides.
That was the point of the vaccine. Please, do you REALLY think biden (or any dimwit dem or any RINO) is all that concerned about YOUR health???
Oh puhleez, pass the reefer if you think so.
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