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November 10, 2021 6:27 am  #1

How many chances does he get?

People are NOT computers.  Gates may know computers, he seems to be lacking the credentials to be telling mankind what to do.

Jeepers, how many times is he going to change his narrative?  The man is just totally disgusting, I have never tolerated him very well, and now even less.  Why does he think he's "God's Gift to Mankind"???  He's the ENEMY of mankind, truth be known, if anyone would bother to do the digging into his theories about how the REST OF US SHOULD LIVE AND WORK AND PLAY AND BE......

As far as I'm concerned he can go eat dirt.

He's one of those people whose brain is out ahead of his ski's.  Is he just going to get to keep hitting reset until he thinks he's got it right??  Yeah, sure.  That'll work.  First, in my opinion, he needs to go to medical school and be able to use the proper credentials behind his name - - and even then I wouldn't listen to a thing he has to say.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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