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October 22, 2021 8:31 pm  #1

Hell on Earth

The obozo administration started this downhill slide, and now biden is paying it forward.

It's all about money and power.  It has nothing to do with helping people, in fact that's about dead-last on their list of "achievements". 

The people will have to rise up.  If they don't, we will ALL be lost in a sea of drugs (as if we aren't already).  Let me ask you this:  do you know anyone over age 40 who isn't on at least 2 "lifetime" drugs?  Do you know anyone over 60 or 65 who isn't on at least 5 or 6 or more "lifetime" drugs?

This is their game.  Once you're in the circle, there's no way out.

Ah but there is. 

People simply need to learn to say NO.  That's what I do and it works.  FORCED DRUGGING (without being kidnapped) is illegal.  We all know how much the democraps love stuff that's illegal, but this is just a step too far.  People with half a brain will not stand for this.


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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