Yeah, right.
Keep reading, it's good info.
We are being lied to right this minute, by this most hapless administration, we've been lied to from the get-go and anyone who knows straight up certainly must know it to be a fact.
DON'T TAKE ANY VAXXZINES and you'll be safer, believe me.
These vaccines are coming from, and sponsored by, the political left and are meant to serve a dark purpose, which they are doing. WHY do you think our politicians of today are so strenuously against the protocols put forth by Donald Trump's administration? Things like ivermectin, HCQ and a few other things which actually worked - - but the biden debacle "administration" (I use that word loosely) can't have 'HEALTH' happening. So instead they are pushing Fauxchee as some sort of hero and his deadly vaccines as the ONLY answer. Good God in Heaven.
Yeah, heaven forbid the answer should be cheap and easy; no sir it has to be costly and there has to be money in it for LOTS of people (mostly the criminal Fauxchee).
In my HONEST opinion, the vaxxzines are causing more people to be ill, sickened and DEAD.
End of story.