It's really too bad more "leaders" don't stand up for the American's who don't have a public voice. But even the hapless republicans seem weak and useless at this point. I wouldn't give a plugged nickle as a bet that MitchMcCONnell will ever do anything decent for the rest of us, and there are countless others in the republican party
who talk big and do nothing. Seems to be the norm, all of a sudden. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Biden was just on tv with the smirking harris in the background, both feigning sorrow for the fallen police officers in this country. They are a couple of knucklehead liars if ever there were any. Those two dimwits are A DISGRACE TO THE USA. Makes me sick to look at them so I quickly changed the channel. See why I watch westerns all day instead of the stupid news? We get nothing these days except crisis after crisis, which no one has the guts to address.