But people are afraid of all the wrong things. They SHOULD be afraid of the fake immunizations from hell, but instead they are afraid of an unproven "epidemic". Is this what I've been saying for over a year or is it not?? If you think it's not what I've been saying, you haven't been reading my stuff here.
I've always been leery of vaccines AND Rx's of any kind. Mostly because we don't have the first damned clue what's in those things. We are, instead, told to "take the word of the company producers".
Ha, yeah, right.
People are FAR TOO LAZY to do their own research on this stuff (when it was still available) especially the 30 and 40 somethings, and the 20 somethings are a complete lost cause. They'll believe absolutely ANYTHING.
And they're going to find out that's not very smart.
ON THE OTHER HAND, I have a brother-in-law and his wife (both almost 70) with whom I recently dined, who are absolute and total believers in the vaccines, although they could not explain to me why that was so. They had really no clue why they believed, they just bought into the current narrative that if they weren't vaccinated they'd die. I was sitting right across the table from these people who were itching and coughing constantly, and I'm totally unvaccinated and don't intend to ever BE vaccinated - - and I'm not itching or coughing or any of that stuff. These types of people are just plain blind and too lazy to look into health issues being pawned off on the public by our dumbass "leaders".
Maybe someday someone will listen and I hope it happens real soon. Enough people have already been sickened and died from those horrible vaxxzines.
You just GOTTA check this out, (from the link at the above post):
"This recent interview between Dr. David E. Martin and Reiner Fuellmich is so astounding as to be enough on its own to bring down the entirety of the major players perpetrating this ‘virus’ scam meant to destroy humanity. This is why the long-term dumbing down and indoctrination of the public has been so vital to the evil agendas of the controllers of the state and their political whores that enforce these horrendous and fake ‘pandemic’ policies."
At minute 16:58 it gets REAL interesting for about 15 minutes forward. Also, I wanted to say that this vid starts out kinda slow but please just stay with it because the information given is very important and you don't have to be a scientist to understand how this works. It started a long time ago and the dimpocraps have finally been able to bring it to fruition through the dumbassness of dr.fauxchee the creep.