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July 7, 2021 2:00 am  #1

THIS is your "democratic" system at work

They are nothing if not a lot of scoundrels.  Liars and scoundrels is the best I can do for them.

Just check these out, and then read the VERY LAST ARTICLE and start finally putting the pieces together?  Now wouldn't that be something, if people actually got a clue NOW??  But too many won't.

AND since when is telling people to "shut up" the way we run America??  These people are all just off their rockers.  Completely bonkers.  And they want the rest of us to be bonkers, as well.  FAT CHANCE, pal.  Some of us are wide awake and we know the truth about ALL of this stuff.  God willing, Donald Trump will be back with a vengence - - and that's exactly what needs to happen.

But when the truth is told, they don't wanna hear it and they CERTAINLY don't want YOU to hear it.

Those ridiculous, rushed vaxxzines are CAUSING MORE DEATHS, but don't expect the dimpocrap knotheads to admit it.  How stupid can they be?  Well, actually, they're getting EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT.

How sad is that?

At all costs, they are getting their way, as well as selling us out to China.  No wonder they had to put barbed wire around the White House for a while.  That is an unprecedented move if ever there was one, and certainly ol' dumbass Joe had reason to fear for his life.  He should live in fear every day.  Put him down like a dog who's outlived their days.  After all, we know harris is the one running the country right now and how friggin' scary is that, for God's sake????????????????????????????????????????????? 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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