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June 25, 2021 7:02 am  #1


Yet, we've got Jill Biden and ol' dumbass Joe and a bunch of other politicians (likely they are on a payroll of some kind for promoting this piece of trash), pushing people to go and get this damned vaccine.  It's just stunning.  But it is their way of "controlling the population" because this is far more than just a vaccine.  Anyone with even half a brain knows it and has avoided it at all costs.  Remember when they made fun of people who believed in spaceships and flying saucers??  Not so funny right now, is it?

This is a VERY DANGEROUS VACCINE AND NO ONE SHOULD BE GETTING IT, LEAST OF ALL CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS AND OLDER PEOPLE.  They are the most vulnerable to the "side effects".  I can't imagine anyone submitting to an untested, untrialed, unproven vaccine.  It's just plain ignorance & fear.

We should never let fear stop us from using common sense, however.

I will never understand Trump for promoting this kind of garbage ideas.  Whatever in the world makes him think that getting "drugs and vaccines" on the market faster is a good idea????  That's just not true, and certainly not clear-headed thinking.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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