Have you EVER known a politician who would take responsibility for anything they've ever done wrong WHILE SERVING THE PEOPLE??
They feel "protected" and should NEVER have to answer for any boo-boo's they might get tangled up with, right?
Did Eric Swalwell take responsibility?
Did Andrew Cuomo?
And, I mean, those are just two of the LATEST headline makers we could discuss. And this concerns both parties, in reality. This goes all the way back to, well, all the way back . . .
Also could we PLEASE get rid of the newest phrases now in vogue?
Like: Cancel culture (whatever the hell that means), or "new normal".
There are dozens more but you get my drift.
Why are we changing our entire lifestyle for a few rich nerds who think they have all the answers and they act like they rule over the rest of us? Ordering mask mandates and vaccinations for all and social distancing (which is nothing more than a load of complete hooey) - - NONE of it means a thing in reality. Only in their alternate reality.
Just like the dimpocraps alternate reality that there's no crisis at the border and that there "is no wall"???? Juan Williams, the ultimate dumbell on the left, says so - - so it must be true, right?
Is everyone else as sick of all this crap as I am??? We need to put our heads together and come up with something to counter all of this nonsense from the left. Ideas??????????