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January 8, 2021 4:05 am  #1

This is exactly what happened, and how

Trump never should have trust Fauxchee and Birx.  Not ever, and some of us tried hard to tell him about those two fumbling, bumbling idiots - - amongst many others who were not on his side but pretended to be, but the perceived "ILLNESS STORY" kept changing on an almost daily basis.  Trump, like the rest of us, didn't know what to believe in the beginning but then light started to enter the room and we could plainly see the deception.  Still Trump goofed by not doing anything to remove those two pandering idiot leftists, along with McCONnell and several others who pretended to be on Trump's side and then ended up deceiving him.  Doesn't that sound just like them??

This article is terrific.  I implore you to read it just for your own personal information.  This illness was used as a political tool, we all know that now.

And because of it, we are facing a disastrous future.


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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