My Polka Dot Apron

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December 5, 2020 12:10 am  #1

Skip the vaccine

Pretty self-explanatory.  Many people are leery, including me, and I have no intention of taking one of those things, not now, not ever.  If they come to my front door with them I hope the military is with them because I will request to be shot with one of the guns rather than the vaxxzine.  A bullet kills right away, the vax is slow and you will suffer for a long time - - and THEN you'll die.  But the dimwits will blame your death on something else, you can be sure of it.

IF YOU'RE GIVEN A CHOICE, ignore the vaxxzine.

Bill Clinton, Obozo the Geek, GWBushieboy - - believe me the shots they've "volunteered" to take will NOT be the same as the ones you and I will get.  They will get salt water or sugar water shots......we will get a deadly shitload of crap mixed together that most people wouldn't even subject their dog to enduring.  What's going on in America is sinful.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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