Actually, we're being FORCED to hide behind a fake virus. A fake virus which is also all about changing how our ECONOMY WORKS (or doesn't work, depends which side of the fence you're on).
Good stuff here. She's very hard to understand and the quality of the video is not good (when Vandana is speaking) so there's two things working against it.
But, essentially, this is just more back and forth. I can barely stand to watch Dr. Mercola on videos because of his eye actions, but I did really want to hear what Ms. Shiva had to say - - even though it's sometimes quite muffled.
These are a few of the lessons we could be learning if we'd only pay attention. It's going to be a "re-set" all right. I can think of a few other words, off-hand but I can't use them online!
- "In “Oneness Vs. the 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom,” Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., argues that the ultra-wealthy elite are responsible for a majority of the environmental, financial and health crises currently facing us
- Bill Gates’ wealth and “philanthropic” efforts, for example, have allowed him to gain unprecedented influence over agriculture and global health policies that threaten food security and human health
- The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed a massive transfer of wealth to the rich
- While global lockdowns have decimated small businesses and left many to struggle financially, wealthy globalists have amassed immense profits, and lockdowns have prevented public mobilization against tech and retail giants
- To facilitate the transfer of wealth, the elite lobby for the elimination of labor and environmental laws, as well as human and farmer’s rights"