They only make things worse, and believe me anyone with a scientific background knows it.
But the mainstream nutjobs continue to follow GUBMINT ORDERS to proclaim the use of face masks as necessary. It's just pathetic. President Trump has fallen into that same trap by listening to that egotistical Fauci and his rantings and ravings.
As long as this corona crap is continuing to be a public nuisance (in that no one knows what to believe anymore, except those of us who have done endless research) we are going to be hounded into doing ALL THE WRONG THINGS, it's the plan, Stan.
The gubmint messes with the numbers constantly, having coroners and doctors outright lying on death certificates and other records (that some people consider important).
How can we possibly expect to have an accurate reading on this whole thing if everyone keeps fiddling with the TRUE numbers??? We can't and we won't. That is sheer lunacy.
Lots of truth at this article which no one will pay attention to because it's full of truth and facts and data. NO ONE REALLY WANTS TO LOOK AT THE REAL, RAW DATA, especially not the doctors and other companies having to do with medical stuff because they are making a profit off those numbers, doncha see? Wait wait, they say, we can't have people out there giving out REAL numbers to the public or the democrap money train will stop dead.
But one thing they fail to tell you is that the death numbers from this or any other flu (comparatively, that is to say comparing years past) have not changed in decades. Dr. Mercola says it out plainly below.
"All-cause mortality data are not affected by reporting bias. A detailed study of the current data of all-cause mortality shows the all-cause mortality this past winter was no different, statistically, from previous decades. COVID-19 is not a killer disease, and this pandemic has not brought anything out of the ordinary in terms of death toll."
"NONE of these well-designed studies that are intended to remove observational bias … found there was a statistically significant advantage of wearing a mask versus not wearing a mask.
Likewise, there was no detectable difference between respirators and surgical masks. That to me was a clear sign that the science was telling us they could not detect a positive utility of masks in this application.
We're talking many really [high-]quality trials. What this means — and this is very important — is that if there was any significant advantage to wearing a mask to reduce this [infection] risk, then you would have detected that in at least one of these trials, [yet] there's no sign of it.
That to me is a firm scientific conclusion: There is no evidence that masks are of any utility either preventing the aerosol particles from coming out or from going in. You're not helping the people around you by wearing a mask, and you're not helping yourself preventing the disease by wearing a mask."