I mean, really, are we supposed to care about overpriced hospitals going broke? Now they're whining about being in danger of that because of the regulations? Well, waa waa. Bring prices back in line (looking towards what prices USED TO BE IN THE 1980's or so) and then we'll talk turkey. But doctors who are still making beauceau salaries even though they aren't going to work - - we're supposed to feel sorry for them? They aren't being allowed to work on people (even people who are dying) anyway because of stupid political mandates.
I have no trouble NOT feeling sorry for these doods. IMHHO, they did it to themselves. They have boats, cars, houses, airplanes and other gadgets (you name it) but we're supposed to feel sorry for them? Ha, fat chance pal.
Let the hospitals close. No one can afford them anyway.