Why is it that America refuses to learn from past history? We know better. We know we SHOULD learn from it, but we just never do. Hardheaded idiots that we are, we just never learn. It's no wonder we're now in a state of flux and eventual downfall. Our grandchildren will not thank us, nor should they, for letting stupid democrats rule the roost for ALL of us. That's just being stupid.
This is such a great article I had a hard time trying to decide which stuff to post! I hope you take the time to read the entire article, because as much as we may not like saying it and as much as black people may not like hearing it, he makes some great points.
" . . . the outcome to all that federal legislation of the 1960s turned out not to be the clear-cut victory (like World War Two) that liberals and progressives so breathlessly expected. The civil rights acts had some startling adverse consequences, too. They swept away much of the parallel service and professional economy that Blacks had constructed to get around all the old exclusions of everyday life. With that went a lot of the Black middle-class, the business owners especially. In its place, the liberal-and-progressive government provided “public assistance” — a self-reinforcing poverty generator that got ever worse, especially in big cities where de-industrialization started destroying the working-class job base beginning in the 1970s. The catch was that Black America did not ask for or demand an end to those poverty-generating “welfare” programs. Rather, they objected loudly to changing them. It was, of course and unfortunately, a form of addiction.
How did white liberals and progressives react to all that? Increasingly with shame, disappointment, consternation, and amazement that the civil rights campaign had worked out so imperfectly. Despite all their idealism, American life had not become a nirvana of equality, fraternity, and amity. In the most troubled places, the urban ghettos, the statistical markers of out-of-wedlock births, crime, drug use, failure in school were getting demonstrably worse year by year. It was embarrassing, confusing, galling to the sociology professors, the congressional staffers, the school boards, the media pundits, the arts community, the literati, the clergy… really everybody who had hoped to right all the wrongs of history in their lifetime.
The solution was multiculturalism and diversity. These credos declared that a society didn’t require a common culture, a consensus about behaviors, manners, and values. Multiculturalism and diversity (M & D) provided a rich repertory of rationales for moral grandstanding, not to mention countless well-paid jobs administering institutional policy, without requiring anything of anyone. But, contrary to good intentions once again, that didn’t work. It only increased friction between groups of people and induced more failure.
"Eventually, M & D evolved into the identity politics that turned the universities into lunatic asylums and finally infected the already badly fragmenting culture at large. The figments and phantoms that preoccupy “woke” revolutionaries are a product of that still-vibrant shame, disappointment, and hysteria that progressive America feels about the outcome of the long civil rights campaign. That is what all those Ivy League Maoists are acting out in the streets now, abetted by their elders in the Democratic Party establishment, the city halls, and the state houses.
The economic collapse underway is intensifying these quandaries, paradoxes, and predicaments because from now on life is going to get much more difficult for everybody in the USA. It will require everybody to get more serious about what actions they can take, what behaviors they can follow, in order to remain civilized."
I would not count on life in America becoming more "civilized" anytime soon. I think all this BLM crap just slammed the door on all of that "progressiveness" the democrats keep talking about in glowing terms, as if what's happening is actually good for the country. These young democrapic idiots really and truly want you to believe that tearing down cities, tearing down statues and tearing down society is the answer to all of their college education years and what they "learned" from that WONDERFUL education - - but idiots cannot educate idiots. It doesn't work that way. Oddly, however, the democraps think it does . . . Lord help us all.
An afterthought - - now the spoiled brat democraps who are antifaing all over the place and acting stupid, want those of us who collect social security and medicare benefits to be punished by having those things taken away from us. All the years we worked and had this money taken from us (without any say at all thanks to LBJ) are just supposed to be forgotten? We all thought we were putting that money aside for our future use, but apparently the gubmint thinks it was just set aside for THEM to use and distribute however they wish.
It's too bad the past generation (MY GENERATION) had no crystal ball to see into the future or we would never have agreed to let the gubmint take our money, and why on earth did we ever think the gubmint could "save" it more responsibly than we could??? Boy, were we stupid. And flim-flammed. As my mother would have said "too late smart".