WHY aren't they standing up for the very citizens who voted for them?? Isn't that part of what they promised to do when they were elected?? Sure it is, but they are now afraid, sitting in a corner sucking their thumbs, whining and ignoring what's happening all around them - - because THEY have taxpayer funded protection everywhere they go, including at their homes.
You and I? We don't have that protection. We don't have police protection anymore at all and it seems as though our politicians are telling us we're not ENTITLED to have it. NEXT ELECTION - - - - - - VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE. It's the only thing to do because we obviously don't need them, for all the good they're doing us.
We are ruled by idiots who are now controlled by the mobs outside your window and you can expect no help from anyone - - but you're not supposed to own, much less USE a gun, either. Or ANY protection, for that matter. It's insanity gone insane.
Tucker helps put a face to the whole thing right here in this 10 minute video.
Some people are fighting back, but it's hardly the majority and until we GET a majority willing to fight back, we're still making no headway against these CRIMINALS (which is exactly what they are) and that's why they don't want the police in power any longer. They know they're breaking the laws and they don't wish to be stopped, so they're in the process of eliminating all the sectors of society they don't like.
Gee, I wish I'd known it was that simple and easy to do. Just form a mob and rush the person/place/thing you don't like and poof - - it's gone.
This is no longer the America we grew up in nor is it the America our forefathers fought for many times. They fought for freedoms we no longer have because we're not ALL black, I guess that's the reason.