I think I'm confused. Or did the English language take a turn I'm unaware of? Cripes sakes.
OK. I guess I just don't understand what anti-fascists are, what it is they stand for, or what the word means.
Doesn't "anti" mean you're against something? I mean, "pro" means you're in support of something and "anti" means you're against something, am I right? Here's the dictionary definition:
On the other hand, the hilarious explanation of fascist at dictionary dot com actually has one meaning in their line-up of explanations specifically mentioning "right wingers". ARE THEY JUST CRAZY OR WHAT??!! Check it out at this link (it's #3, I believe):
Here's the dictionary explanation for fascism:
So then, if that's the way the English language works, shouldn't the ANTIFA organization be a bunch of people who are AGAINST fascism??? I mean, isn't that what "ANTI-FA" stands for?
Are these people using a label that means the opposite of their cause? Are they confused about words and their meanings or am I? They support the idea of fascism but their group is called anti-fa . . . I don't get it.
Yeah, I'm still confused about Antifa. Apparently these people don't know if they actually support ANYTHING at all.
They originally didn't support Nazism, but they use Nazi tactics in their expressions of violence, which is often the way they "intervene" in demonstrations. This is NOT NEW.
Here's a quoted paragraph from the article at the link below:
"The antifa movement began in the 1960s in Europe, and had reached the US by the end of the 1970s. Most people who show up to counter or oppose white supremacist public events are peaceful demonstrators, but when antifa show up, as they frequently do, they can increase the chances that an event may turn violent. Today, antifa activists focus on harassing right wing extremists both online and in real life. Antifa is not a unified group; it is loose collection of local/regional groups and individuals. Their presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists, but the use of violent measures by some antifa against their adversaries can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counter-attacks and blame. This is why most established civil rights organizations criticize antifa tactics as dangerous and counterproductive."
In other words, they're fighting TWO CAUSES at one time, under one name having nothing to do with their second "cause". They are protesting SOMETHING TO DO WITH NAZI'S (the ANTI part) and they also seem to be aggravated by the word racist. But, if they're a racist group, then they should be called ANTIRAC or something. They are fighting a dual cause and they don't even seem to realize it.
I would be willing to bet most of them do not know the definition of 'white supremacy', other than their own, personal definition. If you asked 3 people to describe what it means, you'd likely get 3 different answers.
It is true, however, that most of these antifa participants are kids from privileged or wealthy white families. Now, they'll deny that with all their might, but truth is truth. Ditto for eggheads like AOC. She claims poverty but comes from a wealthy family in NY. In truth, all of these things center around money, not "freedom for anything" or "rights" of any kind. It seems to be about recognition and being noticed . . . they couldn't find a better way??? Good grief.