I've been trying to explain for about 3 months now that this whole virus nonsense is a hoax. I just wasn't sure what the "end means" were supposed to be. I knew it would have something to do with the democraps, however. AND IT DOES. Now they've cooked up another new scenario which channels like ABC & CNN, et al, cannot over-feed on. They are simply gorging themselves - - again.
All that non-stop talk about sheltering in place, not seeing your own family members, not going to church, not participating in what we call LIFE - - that was all a cooked up deal and it was almost too obvious, and yet not many people really really SAW it for what it was. Let me say, however, that people 55 and above were NOT fooled one bit by these tactics.
"Coronavirus has been the most searched term on Google in 2020. At the time of this writing, on the last day of May, three-quarters of the top trending Google searches relate to the country-wide riots over the death of George Floyd. Virtually no searches of the Chinese coronavirus.
Twitter provides another barometer. Of the top trending Twitter topics on the same day noted above, a third were tied to the riots, but nothing regarding the Wuhan flu.
How could such a black swan event disappear from the news so quickly?
This is another example of Rush Limbaugh’s “drive-by media”, quickly driving past a story that is no longer of use or relevance to the DNC media apparatus.
Was the past four months of media hysteria and panic really about the virus? Or was it instead a means to a desired end? The viral pandemic must be behind us . . . "
Of course it was a scam. Anyone with even one working brain cell KNEW that, and all you had to do was take a good "SNIFF" of the evidence to smell the stinkin' democraps behind the whole lousy, country-busting scheme. They want so badly to hurt Trump. They had this planned for a while, because they knew all of their other schemes had fizzled.
I think this one is going to blow up in their faces, and so it should. The democraps are (especially the black dems) are quickly looking more closely at how the republicans are operating during this mess - - and they like what they're seeing from the GOP a lot better than what they're seeing from the party who claims to have "upheld" them for a century but all the while was quietly digging graves behind their backs. I think the BLACKS IN AMERICA ARE FINALLY CATCHING ON. The democraps ONLY WANT THEM FOR THEIR VOTES, otherwise they could care less about them, as anyone who's even remotely interested in history already knows. Abraham Lincoln may have been a lot of things (scoundrel among those things) but a supporter of the black population was NOT one of them. If you want to know more about that subject, you must read some of the work by Thomas Di Lorenzo (sp?) over at the Lew Rockwell site. DO IT TODAY because you can't learn about this soon enough, believe me.