Sure is, and I'd like some snot-nosed politician to PROVE to me that it isn't. This is about EVIL - - pure evil.
When "our politicians" band together with Billyboygates, there's absolutely less than NO doubt about it. Even though he's not mentioned in this article, you KNOW he's a huge part of this decimation of the elderly population (he's talked about this for YEARS), along with sickening, maiming and killing millions of foreign children (mostly brown-skinned people, so I think he's a bigot as well as a murdering, conniving creep) which he "used" for his testing ground. It's been amongst his various plans for the world, for years now. Anyone who's been paying the least bit of attention would know that.
Great write-up (short to read) by Daniel McAdams.QUOTED EXCERPT IS FROM THE LINK BELOW:
"These shameful policies were followed in many states and while at first when little was known about the outbreak, there might be some room for acceptable error. But as it became clear the demographics of who were most vulnerable, it has become indefensible to focus all resources on shutting down restaurants, bars, churches, mom and pop shops, schools while ignoring that the virus preyed almost exclusively on the old and sick. Yes, shut down elementary schools where virtually no one fell victim, but throw open the doors to the old folks home where the virus raged like a tsunami.
Brilliant move.
Coincidence? We should not discount the possibility that sheer government incompetence is responsible for this massive failure and resulting senior killing fields. Maybe there is more to it. The sanctity of life in the United States has been degraded for years, including via a foreign policy that considers half a million dead Iraqi children “worth it” to undermine Saddam Hussein’s rule. A foreign policy that doesn’t blink when an estimated 40,000 Venezuelan civilians die from US sanctions. A foreign policy that has spend the past nine years arming literal Islamist terrorists to overthrow the secular rule of Syria’s Assad with hundreds of thousands dead in the process and nary a notice in the US mainstream media.
When one embraces the idea that it’s OK to kill millions overseas to maintain a US global empire that only enriches the Beltway military-industrial-Congressional-media-think tank complex, it is not a far leap to embrace the idea that seniors are expendable. When some lives are not considered worth saving – from pre-cradle to grave – it is a slippery slope to view others also not worth saving."
To be honest, reading this made my stomach turn and believe me, that's not easy to do. Not after 30 years of providing daycare and going through almost every crisis you can name.