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May 8, 2020 11:47 pm  #1

Implicates Obama??? Hell, it implicates Biden . . .

And Biden is now running for our highest office.  This should not be allowable.  WHY is he not being held accountable for taking part in this?

Anyone with half a brain and at least ONE working brain cell has known from the get-go that Flynn was an innocent by-stander who just happened to be used as a chess piece because Obozo thought it was a "good idea" to do such nasty things.  If anyone should be in jail, it should be Obozo.

This is a great little quote from the article at the link above:

"And that gets us to Barack Obama’s role in all this. On January 5, 2017, a crowd that included Obama, Comey (FBI), Biden, Brennan (CIA), Clapper (DNI), Sally Yates (the acting Attorney General), and Susan Rice (NSA) gathered in the Oval Office. The main topic was Russian election interference."

THERE are all of your major players, INCLUDING BIDEN. 

I would also love to see Brennan hanging from his toenails.  ALL of those people should have to pay a huge price for their actions, but my guess is that none of them will suffer in the least, nor will Piglosi or Schiff or Nadler, et al, for their roles in promoting it.  Luckily, there was a chink in their armor.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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