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April 27, 2020 11:21 pm  #1

NYC's "leadership" caused this whole mess

Think it didn't?  Keep reading, and there are many other articles all over the place stating the same thing.  I think the reason CA didn't suffer the same fate is because people there didn't listen to their "rulers".  They went to the beach (what could be better than salt-air and sunshine?) and they went to the store and they went anywhere that was open.  They didn't shelter in place and cause the virus to become worse and more powerful, which is why the "epidemic" is now almost over.  And we can also thank God.  Not allah.  GOD.  Got that?


"Last Friday, Bret Stephens, of the New York Times, had an epiphany: locking down America just because New York City is having problems is a bad idea.  He thinks the problem is that New York is so densely populated.  What he misses is that Mayor de Blasio's and Gov. Cuomo's policies exacerbated the virus.  They are the poster boys for why Democrats should never have power.

To his credit, Stephens finally realized that the Wuhan virus is not an American problem.  It's primarily a New York problem, followed by a handful of other Democrat-run cities . . ."


"New Yorkers elected these leaders, and now they're paying the price.  But Stephens is right that the rest of America shouldn't suffer because of New York's pathetic leadership."

Yep.  PURE ROT.  If New Yawkers aren't upset enough by this to get rid of these assholes, maybe the rest of the country should amass and run them out - - on a rail, as the saying goes.  RIGHT INTO THE SEA.  Put weights on their feet first, though!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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